Saturday, September 19, 2009


Its scary to me how comfortable I feel living away from home. Provo feels like home now.

Life has been good. Its amazing how certain people can eliminate stress for me. I love people...especially when they make my life less complicated.

Work has been SO great! The kids I work with are amazing and my boss is fanTAStic. I hope to excel and grow in position in our office...I have learned so much. I feel so much more secure in serving people when I know what is going on. I find comfort in knowledge.

Last weekend I hiked the highest peak in the Wasatch range- Mt. Nebo. It was amazing. We left before dawn and reached the summit right as the sun began to rise. Physically, it was more challenging that I expected. Before we were even half way up, each time we stopped, it was silent. The air was still and calm. The thought lingered, "stand still and see the salvation of God." I love nature. Hearing the promptings of the Spirit is simple. I feel connected, in tune. No wonder Joseph Smith went to the Sacred Grove! I need that peace more often than I get it. My mind gets so loud and crazy. Time in quiet would help to get my thoughts in order, get my actions in line, and get my feet on the Lord's path.

Can I say again...that I loooove my roomates?!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Seriously, if I was as cool as you when I was 19 I'd be like prophet by now or something. You are AMAZING!

About Me

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Who knew that life could be so fun? My philosophy is that anyone can find joy. You just have to look in the right places! My goal is to never stop looking for and adding to the list of things that bring me joy.