Saturday, December 5, 2009


I spent Thanksgiving in Boise with my roomate Ky. These were all painted in an alley way in downtown!

I seem to be getting these pressure headaches alot lately. I can't focus and I feel stir crazy. Its really been upsetting me...I can't fall asleep the same way and I can't sort my thoughts to come to any sort of conclusion about anything. Bleh.

I'm definitely ready for this semester to be over and done with. School has really kicked my trash lately. I feel stupid because I haven't been able to process new knowledge like usual. I don't know why but my brain seems to be malfunctioning. It doesn't work the same anymore.

I have realized so many of my inadequacies, my weaknesses. For some reason, I cannot pin point them, but I am much more aware they exist. I've lost some of my untamed confidence. I do however, realize the Lord's grace-He blesses me when I am truly undeserving.

Christmas is coming soon and I am SOOO excited to see family. I miss all of my beautiful nieces and nephews. It blows my mind that I have lived another year of my life. So much has changed since last December, and yet so much remains.

I want this month to be the beginning of my service year.


Jeff and Janet Kirk said...

Cool graffiti art. I love you, Jessi. Struggles are good for us. You grow more when you have challenges.

Erin said...

Realizing we are weak can help us be strong. Admitting is the first step :) Love ya! Can't wait to see you!!!

Unknown said...

Ether 12:4

About Me

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Who knew that life could be so fun? My philosophy is that anyone can find joy. You just have to look in the right places! My goal is to never stop looking for and adding to the list of things that bring me joy.