Sunday, January 24, 2010


So, I haven't posted in a while. I guess I just haven't had anything profound or exciting to say. My life is just being lived- no adventurous hiking or spontaneous drives to Las Vegas.

I been fairly content with my plot in life lately. There have been a few days when I pretty sure the world hates my soul, but I've gotten over it. I'm coming to feel more and more comfortable with myself. I am realizing what makes me me. I love looking out windows to see a bright sky, stormy clouds, brilliant rays of sunlight or twinkling flakes of snow. I love having a body that moves according to the emotions and desires of my spirit. I love finally having a girl-friend I am close with-that I can talk to without words. I love laughter, especially when there is no real reason for it. I love my Savior and that even when I am distant from Him, He is never distant from me.

It feels so good to be able to dance again. I got a gym membership and I go in the studio whenever I get the chance. Dance defines a part of me. I don't feel quite complete without it-without music moving my soul.

I applied to my major last week. I still have two steps to finish before I actually get into the program BUT hopefully...I can handle it if I don't get in..I'm pretty nervous.

I forgot I did a photoshoot with one of my friends Saturday. It was really fun but I felt a little silly trying to be cool and model-like

His name is Devin and you can check out the rest of his work on his website


Jeff and Janet Kirk said...

I'm glad you're back on your dancing feet. I love you.

Mandi said...

it is always good to hold onto those things which define us and that we love the most...and keep going back to them. that is why I always go back to dance. it is a part of me, and you.

Erin said...

Uncomfortable being model like? You look like a fish in water. Beautiful as always. I love you inside and out.

Ethan and Anna said...

Love the yellow dress one!

Jeff and Janet Kirk said...

Not sure how I missed seeing these photos, but I love them. Well, I love any picture of you. But I really like the last photo in the post -- those spectacular eyes. Dad

About Me

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Who knew that life could be so fun? My philosophy is that anyone can find joy. You just have to look in the right places! My goal is to never stop looking for and adding to the list of things that bring me joy.