Monday, July 13, 2009

Fake out.

So as soon as my life starts to make me think its normal-SHAZAM. And I get whacked in the face. I had decided to go back to Utah at the end of this month. Mom and Dad left for California and I got a call from Old Navy and they want me to come interview. SO if I get the job there I'll be staying Houston until the end of summer. I hate when things are so up in the air. It makes me feel really anxious for some reason.

Fourth of July weekend was fun! Laura's birthday was the Thursday before so I went to Beaumont to party it up with girls and we had a blast! Then Laura came to town and she came to a bunch of ward activity stuff with me!

AH there is some other crazy stuff going on but maybe we'll save that for another day...A love that does not sacrifice never has the endurance sufficient to achieve a celestial union.

I started reading Sheri Dew's book "If Life were Easy it wouldn't be Hard." It has all the things I need to hear in it! She is so enlightening. I feel like I have so much to work on with my own personal security. "On this jaunt through mortality we've simply got to leave our baggage behind because our spiritual joints can't take the pounding." I need to work on dropping my baggage and letting that weight be lifted from my spirit. Starting anew...again. Let myself fly.


The Gallands said...

Great advice! Something I for sure need to work on!

Can't wait to see you fly sweet bird~

Jeff and Janet Kirk said...

Glad you're still here. I'm going to go through withdrawl.

About Me

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Who knew that life could be so fun? My philosophy is that anyone can find joy. You just have to look in the right places! My goal is to never stop looking for and adding to the list of things that bring me joy.