Saturday, January 31, 2009

Oodles of Doodles and Yarn

Brennen leaves this Tuesday. I can't believe its finally actually leaving. He is going to be such an amazing missionary. I know he has grown so much over the past two weeks.
"Those sent to warn sometimes do not know of the danger." -Elder Eyring.
My best friend has the most uplifting assurance in the love of our Savior. The Lord blesses us for making the right decisions. Brennen made all the right ones. This is so hard already, but "the night is darkest just before the dawn" (good ole' batman).

Its been hard to focus on school lately. I feel like my mind is a tangle of yarn. There is always so much I'm thinking about that extracting one thought is like pulling a splinter out of my foot. My focus wants to be on the important things, but it wanders to others. I have so many questions lately that I don't feel like any one person can answer.
Midterms are in about two weeks. I have three big ward activities coming up too. How do I make the most out of those when I can't focus? Geez, someone get me medicine for my ADD.

I've taken to doodling with markers when I get bored.

I really wish I had art skills like Rachel and Juli so I could paint...

I've been reading the Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites. They are so much fun and they really help paint pictures for the awesome stories of the Book of Mormon. Chris Hiemerdinger keeps to the facts in the Book of Mormon really well while making such a fun story! YAY Teancum!


Jeff and Janet Kirk said...

Love your doodling! You always have been handy with markers:)
Don't worry about your hair. Its what's underneath that matters most and that's wonderful. Besides, your hair could be green and you would still be beautiful!
love you always

Unknown said...

You are so talented. Doodles are a good way to get things stimulated. My experience this semester is that you need to step away from the questions and let the answers come to you. I love you!!

About Me

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Who knew that life could be so fun? My philosophy is that anyone can find joy. You just have to look in the right places! My goal is to never stop looking for and adding to the list of things that bring me joy.